Plan Drawing,
in the style of Isaac Haines with 42" swamped barrel,
1770 era Lancaster County longrifle,
full size drawing with full size color photo
Part Number: PLAN-1770-LANC
Availability: In Stock
Price: $9.99
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This full size plan drawing depicts a longrifle in the style of Isaac Haines, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, circa 1770 with 42" swamped barrel. The book Artistic Ingredients of the Longrifle by Dr. George Shumway indicates the Isaac Haines may have been the most influential gun maker in Lancaster County. This replica, made by J.E. Brown is on display in our shop. John Bivins made the Lancaster County style rifle famous, producing the 1776 commemorative rifles for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We offer fully inlet Lancaster County style stocks for 38", and 42" swamped barrels.

This plan drawing includes full size color photos, showing the rifle in detail. Line art and descriptive text reveal the hidden details and tips to the gun maker. Our best plan drawing ever, our goal is to inspire you to create your own longrifle from our 1770 era Lancaster longrifle parts!
Art of Building the Pennsylvania Longrifle,
an illustrated instruction manual,
by Dixon, Ehrig, and Miller
Art of Building the Pennsylvania Longrifle, an illustrated instruction manual, by Dixon, Ehrig, and Miller
Part Number: BOOK-ABPL
Availability: In Stock
Price: $33.00
Order Quantity:
The Gunsmith of Grenville County,
Building the American Longrifle
illustrated instruction manual, revised edition,
spiral bound, by Peter A. Alexander
The Gunsmith of Grenville County, Building the American Longrifle illustrated instruction manual, revised edition, spiral bound, by Peter A. Alexander
Part Number: BOOK-GGC
Availability: In Stock
Price: $43.99
Order Quantity:
Gunsmithing Tips & Projects,
a collection of the best ideas,
second edition from Rifle Magazine
Gunsmithing Tips & Projects, a collection of the best ideas, second edition from Rifle Magazine
Part Number: BOOK-GTP
Availability: In Stock
Price: $39.95
Order Quantity:
Gun Craftsmanship Manuals - 8 Piece Set
Gun Craftsmanship Manuals - 8 Piece Set
Availability: In Stock
Price: $55.92
Order Quantity:
Metalworking, Volume One,
a how-to booklet,
by Kit Ravenshear
Metalworking, Volume One, a how-to booklet, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-M-V1
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Metalworking, Volume Two
a how-to booklet,
by Kit Ravenshear
Metalworking, Volume Two a how-to booklet, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-M-V2
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Recreating the American Longrifle
by William Buchele, George Shumway, Peter Alexander
Recreating the American Longrifle by William Buchele, George Shumway, Peter Alexander
Part Number: BOOK-RAL
Availability: In Stock
Price: $36.99
Order Quantity:
Simplified V Springs,
easy home tempering instructions,
by Kit Ravenshear
Simplified V Springs, easy home tempering instructions, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-SVS
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Tubes and Tools,
a how-to booklet,
by Kit Ravenshear
Tubes and Tools, a how-to booklet, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-TAT
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Woodwork, Volume One,
a how-to booklet,
by Kit Ravenshear
Woodwork, Volume One, a how-to booklet, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-W-V1
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Woodwork, Volume Two,
a how-to booklet,
by Kit Ravenshear
Woodwork, Volume Two, a how-to booklet, by Kit Ravenshear
Part Number: BOOK-W-V2
Availability: In Stock
Price: $6.99
Order Quantity:
Plan Drawing,
in the style of Isaac Haines,
1770 era Lancaster County longrifle,
full size drawing with full size color photo
Plan Drawing, in the style of Isaac Haines, 1770 era Lancaster County longrifle, full size drawing with full size color photo
Part Number: PLAN-1770
Availability: In Stock
Price: $9.99
Order Quantity:
Plan drawing,
full exact size, with tips for assembly,
Northwest Trade Gun,
circa 1816 - Barnett
Plan drawing, full exact size, with tips for assembly, Northwest Trade Gun, circa 1816 - Barnett
Part Number: PLAN-NW
Availability: In Stock
Price: $9.99
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Plan drawing,
full size line art,,
U. S. Model 1803 Harper's Ferry Rifle
Plan drawing, full size line art,, U. S. Model 1803 Harper's Ferry Rifle
Part Number: PLAN-US-1803
Availability: In Stock
Price: $8.99
Order Quantity:
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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