Beginning Carving on DVD The Gunsmith's Apprentice Series, by Jack Brooks
Part Number: DVD-BC
Availability: In Stock
Price: $19.99
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In this presentation the nationally known traditional American longrifle builder Jack Brooks teaches the viewer the essentials of both incised and relief carving.

Beginning with the basic tools, Jack shows the sharpening of chisels & gouges, and demonstrates the simple techniques used by historic American gunsmiths to carve their firearms. Over 60 minutes long. DVD format.

We also have some suggested chisels similar to those used in the DVD listed below.

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Straight inletting chisel, 4mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Straight inletting chisel, 4mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-72-04
Availability: In Stock
Price: $18.99
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Straight inletting chisel, 6mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Straight inletting chisel, 6mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-72-06
Availability: In Stock
Price: $18.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 2mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 2mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-02
Availability: In Stock
Price: $27.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 6mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 6mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-06
Availability: In Stock
Price: $22.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 8mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 8mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-08
Availability: In Stock
Price: $22.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 10mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 10mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-10
Availability: Out of Stock, request notification when available.
Price: $22.99
Skew (angled) inletting chisel, 8mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Skew (angled) inletting chisel, 8mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-74-08
Availability: In Stock
Price: $19.99
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Short round curved spoon inletting chisel, 8mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Short round curved spoon inletting chisel, 8mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-75-8B
Availability: In Stock
Price: $27.99
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Shallow round straight gouge inletting chisel, 12mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Shallow round straight gouge inletting chisel, 12mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-75-12
Availability: In Stock
Price: $20.99
Order Quantity:
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Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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